
My B.H.I teacher would flip out and be angry 😤 that o was overdosed by my local pharmacy

i have done some beatiful things music boxes. i enjoy listening to the tunes and picturing people back in the 1890s type of age with no record players telephones nothing but a fire place and dressed in there expensive cloths , big lovly dresses of fine satin and silks when things were made so lovly . i look at clocks or music boxes and they are like living things when there playing or ticking away and loads of trees and forests and lots of diffrent species of annimals . sad isnt it working on a clock or warch or music box and it blows you mind thinking what the planet earth was like with no cars yes everyone loves to make money but look at the cost to are planet earth , it does upset me , i type away into this internet though and could the world do qith put phones and comunications biying and selling things . anyways i am a delicate little floqer at this present time and moment as truly was maxed out over dossed by thw pharmacy , went through the covid pandemic then vroom the afermath , have people changed out there 150 thousnd people died of covid osh so loads are still greaving , the horrible thing is death i make or have made freinds with lots of people who have died as my customers are generaly quite old , it so so so so so upsets me no one told me about it if someone has like 5-6 clocks then obviously you get to know them . like i say old people are so inreresting to talk to as well as there full of interesting things and srorys , so bless all or any customers who have died, obvously im here thinking about dead customers , bless then all , probably an easy ten old people , so you have the paperwork and dyslexia and back operation and 30 odd staples in my tummy as well, i have ADHD and dyslexia and i went through months of hallucinations heari voices in my head talking to eaxh orher and diffrent aounds , now it waanr my fault i was overdosed for a month easy what o what a mess my phyciatrist says lloyd expresso your aelf lad as pwople dont understand you with your ADHD and dislexia , so umm spooked my self right to the limit totally banana brained i was and was only trying to work with a bad back and vroom i still feel spooked i still get a few hallucinations one or two a month . so thats knocked my confidence a tad like i say spooked my self , and covid lock doqn on my own for two years strange being locked down on your own , my nan has cancer and venrable and my mum and dad look after her so i waa band feom seeing them by rhe priminister crazy when you think of it when boris jonson was gwtting pissed right up breaking all the rules . i dont wish the world to look ar england as stupid . or liyers its wrong foe children to be brought up to lie umm so yep the planet earth and globle warming is and has to be delt with or rhe human race is going ti die millions will starve what o what have we done or doing to are planet earth

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